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    2014 - 11.23

    Thanksgiving….Think how many Turkeys would be thankful for their lives if we decided not to end a life to feed our own on Thanksgiving day…or any day…There are so many things that feel good to do, feel great to taste…that may be destructive to our own life’s path…

    The death of another living being, someone that breathes…whose heart beats…who feels…who thinks…who suffers…who fears…who rejoices…each animal, fish, or fowl, who fiercely protects its young, who walks gently or exuberantly into life…who teaches us patience through their utter stillness… who understands living entirely in this moment…deserve to live their lives fully, without a human being passing a death sentence on them…taking their life force…their sacred energy…

    I offer my thanksgiving for the lessons these creatures teach me, human, or animal…for the love they show me… for the beauty of their existence…This of course is simply my opinion…But maybe if we truly valued life…all life…if this is what we taught our children…to not feed on the flesh of others…to not celebrate life, by the death and destruction of another being…physically or metaphysically…mentally, spiritually, or emotionally…then perhaps cruelty and murder would dissolve into a thing barely remembered…and then disappear altogether…for me…that would truly be a reason for Thanksgiving…